(Vienna 1854 – 1935 Mödling)
Leisure Moments
(The Goriany Badarous Family at home in Paris)
Signed and dated, lower left: Julius Schmid 1900
11 x 15 ¼ inches (27.94 x 38.74 cm)
Goriany Badarous Family, thence by descent
This evocative watercolor depicts members of the Goriany Badarous family in a domestic interior looking out onto the sea. Viktor Goriany and his wife (née Badarous) were of Slovenian origin but resided in Paris. The specific villa setting of the watercolor is not known. The boy at the right in the picture is the Gorianys’ son Jean, who would become a distinguished print dealer in the United States. He later moved to Lima, Peru, where he married Graciela Lovado, dying there in 1972. The watercolor has since descended through Graciela’s nephew Donato.
A rewarding biographical article on the artist is Janet Wasserman’s “Into Oblivion; Julius Schmid, Artist” to be found at www.janetwasserman.com.
A family photograph shows Viktor Goriany in his Paris apartment with the present watercolor on the wall (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. The present work displayed in the Paris apartment of Viktor Goriany.